Monday, July 25, 2005

A Love Story

I've been a very bad blogger. BAD blogger! I haven't kept up with this. Does it count that I've been thinking and meaning to??? I guess it doesn't.

My life isn't the most interesting especially lately. I have yet to discuss my recent visit to Missouri to see my baby. Nothing new to tell there. In order to understand, I would have to start from the beginning. Want to hear about it? Hear we go:

I met John last May. After 12 boyfriends in the year since moving to Phoenix, I needed a little break from the dating game. You know the old saying that love happens when you are not looking? Well, it happened with me.

John and I met through a yahoo group. Never mind what group we met through. None of ya business. Let's just say it was an adult-oriented group and leave it at that.
One day out of the blue, he instant messaged me. I didn't think nothing of it, just thought it was a guy who wanted me to show my goodies on cam or something. So even though I came THISCLOSE to not talking to him, I said to myself why not and started small talk with him.

Over the course of a couple of months, I noticed something in him that I have yet to notice in anybody else online much less in adult-oriented groups....he was sincere and honest. He is only in that group because of the interest he had on the subject associated with this group and not out for a sleazy good time with random strangers. As a matter of fact, he had sowed his wild oats earlier on in his life and realized that those were just poor substitutions of what he really wanted....a relationship.

Having found someone, especially online, so open, communicative and not a hint of "let me see your nuts", I was enamored right away.

I know...internet love. Doomed for disaster right? Well, not quite.

He came to visit me last July (July 22nd to be exact) after chatting everyday for months prior to that. God, reading this last sentence I couldn't help but think of the loser on Napoleon Dynamite who met his love online.

Anywho, we had a great time the whole week we were here. It was so refreshing and I was falling for this guy.

To be continued....


Blogger a said...

oh i <3 love stories. . . tell me more.

8:50 AM  

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