Sunday, January 29, 2006

Where Have You Been?!?!

You may be asking yourself that question.
Well, here's a quick rundown on what's been going on. I will go more in detail as soon as I get my vision back (see #3 below)
  1. Broke up with John, and decided to stay in Phoenix. We still keep in touch and are open to the idea of a future together. We just both need to figure out what we want. Long distance relationships suck'd think I would have learned from my first one.
  2. I am seeing someone new, someone who happens to be moving out here to Phoenix in a few months anyway. And I just happen to be here. Coincidence? I think not. Something or someone up above apparently has plans for me. His name is Brian...see pic below...ain't he H-O-T?
  3. I am seeing double. Started about two weeks ago, finally got my ass to the doctor, doctors are baffled, so I get to wear nerdy corrective lenses until they figure out what's up. Crazy shit!
  4. My apartment complex is converted to condos. Meaning I have to either buy my unit or a unit, or get the hell out. I guess I'll be getting the hell out.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

What Would You Do?

What does one do when you are in love with one person, but are falling for another?

Monday, January 16, 2006

Beautiful Sunset

Me...through my desktop

As I was reading cutie Rotten Ryan's blog, he posted a meme asking people to display an image of their desktop. Your desktop says a lot about a person. Apparently, mine says that I'm a leather daddy bear. I'm not. I just like Harley's. Maybe in the future, I'll take the role of a leather daddy bear.


My name, defined by Google, in its own eccentric way. I've added commentary on some.

Googlism for: robert

robert is appeased <--What in the world does appease mean? I'm too lazy to look it up...someone just tell me.
robert is learning champ <--Woot!
robert is here
robert is an serious sports enthusiast <--Uh, no I'm not...I'm gay remember?
robert is asleep <---Me loves sleeping!
robert is a poet and student of life
robert is forty <---Hush your mouth!
robert is jarig <--Again, someone tell me what this means.
robert is one of four texas zen students who will be taking the <--..cute cowboys back to their hotel room for a big orgy.
robert is needed <--Yeah, I'm needy. Like the good ole Cancer that I am.
robert is a friend of my mother in the church
robert is person
robert is cool in buzz <--fo'shizzle!
robert is a <--hot guy that everybody wants and those that can't have, want to be! (just kidding...I'm fugly)
robert is cool forum
robert is a long <--(grammar correction) HAS a long peepee.
robert is an evaluation coordinator for the
robert is dead and quinn is alive
robert is a graphic designer and communications
robert is red hot <--Mmm hmmm! You got that right!
robert is here 305
robert is learning champ 37 year old robert wilson overcame tremendous personal difficulties to secure a place at oatridge agricultural college and
robert is here fruit stand
robert is here we had the baby at 3
robert is top commissionaire
robert is a troll <---Hush your mouth! (part deux)
robert is appeased by computer telephony jul 14
robert is 40 one two three four five six <--This sounds like something the crazy bag lady with a tin foil hat in my neighbordhood would say as nobody listens.
robert is one of four texas zen students who will be taking the precepts in a traditional jukai ceremony with reb anderson in july <--Um, ok. *cuckoo!*
robert is a genius by keith snyder
robert is a long time advertising photographer who specialises in the rock and roll industry
robert is a friend of my mother in the church; he comes to the church in our neighborhood every sunday
robert is person in charge <--You got that right, Mr. Google!
robert is dumb <--I pretend to be only to look vulnerable, get sympathy, and win the trust of those who I plan to get revenge on. *End Scene* "Next season on Melrose Robert's Place..."
robert is english by birth and resides in london <--Cheerio! I'm going on the lift to the loo.
robert is associate editor of the departmental working papers series
robert is an evaluation coordinator for the capital health authority presently working at the northeast community health centre and with
robert is doing full
robert is equally at home in a straight <---The words "robert" and "straight" in the same sentence will put you, Mr. Google, on my shit list. Stop it!
robert is under retainer
robert is a graphic designer and communications strategist
robert is a southern gentlemen who seems to pride himself on four things; family
robert is leaving
robert is approaching
robert is an a student
robert is the only child i have and robert was invloved in a car wreck on may 20th of 2000
robert is red hot price
robert is $75 <--For a hand job. The prices go up from there, sweetie.
robert is more technical
robert is a fourteen year old german kid <---Tee hee. I can't help but picture that German kid on the Simpsons who's always eating. Whatever happened to him?

Friday, January 13, 2006


Due to the lack of rain and wind, Phoenix has been under this umbrella of smog for over 3 months. Gross! I should stop smoking and just breath the air around me.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


So full of it! So cocky! Typical Leo! (No offense to other Leos reading this blog).

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I will post....


Patience my dearies. :)

Monday, January 02, 2006


I had to get my sorry ass up at 3 am this morning to take John to the airport. Had a fabu time with him...more on that later.

So in lieu of a witty title for my first entry of 2006, I decided to take the uncreative/sleepy approach and just title it "2006".

Back to John and his visit. Like I said, it was FABU!!! Best visit we had so far. It sucks having a long distance relationship, but in about 16 months I'll be in good ole Missouri with my honey bunnies.

Ok, so John arrived at 1 am on Tuesday morning. Hold on a sec. Let me back up briefly and tell y'all about my visit with my folks. In a nutshell, BORING. Back to John. So he got here at 1 am on Tuesday morning and the fun began. It was so good to see him even though I just saw him about a month ago. The whole week involved mostly shopping, eating out (which I love!), and not thinking about work. Best part of the whole week was New Year's Eve. I have never been the type to go out; I have always preferred to stay at home. So going out, especially on the biggest party day of the year, was really refreshing. We both dressed very nicely in our best clothes. I wore all Kenneth Cole from head to toe. My baby stuck with a classic, Ms. Liz Claiborne. He headed on out to Houston's Restaurant and had the most delicious filet mignon and wine. Then it was off to the most upscale gay bar in town called Amsterdam and drooled over the HOT HOT HOT boys this city has to offer. We hung around the bar, people watching, until past midnight and came home. The energy and excitement of the new year filled the bar and to be able to publicly and freely kiss my baby was awesome!

Sadly, all good things must come to an end and John left early this morning. :(

Back to work tomorrow, back to reality. Already looking forward to visit my baby mid-March.

By the way, thanks to Amandicon's new cam showing the fabu city of Chicago, I decided to add my city's web cam on here as well. Thanks girl, for the great idea!